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Expertly crafted orthodontic appliances and custom solutions.

trusted for complex cases and unmatched quality.

Wraparound Hawley : 

Wraparound Hawley Appliances are orthodontic devices designed to provide alignment, retention, and stabilization of teeth with a wraparound design that encircles the dental arch.

Key Points:

  • Wraparound Design: Encircles the entire dental arch for comprehensive support and stability.

  • Customizable: Tailored to fit individual dental arches with precise adjustments.

  • Durable Materials: Made from high-quality acrylic and stainless steel.

  • Adjustable Components: Features adjustable springs, clasps, and wires.

  • Removable: Allows for easy cleaning, eating, and maintaining oral hygiene.


  • Enhanced Stability: Provides improved retention and control for effective treatment.

  • Comfortable Fit: Custom-made for minimal irritation and consistent support.

  • Versatile Application: Useful as a retainer, for space maintenance, and minor alignment corrections.

  • Convenient: Facilitates easier oral hygiene and adjustment.


  • Retention Post-Treatment: Ideal for retaining teeth in their corrected positions after braces or other treatments.

  • Stabilization: Suitable for stabilizing specific dental movements or making minor adjustments.

  • Space Maintenance: Recommended for cases where teeth have been lost or extracted.


  • Severe Orthodontic Problems: Not suitable for complex issues requiring fixed appliances or advanced treatments.

  • Patient Compliance: Requires adherence to wearing instructions for effectiveness.


  • Custom Fit: Created using detailed impressions or digital scans.

  • Fabrication: Made with precise adjustments to meet specific orthodontic needs.

  • Regular Adjustments: Necessary to ensure ongoing effectiveness and comfort.

Care and Maintenance:

  • Regular Cleaning: Use a soft brush and mild soap to prevent plaque buildup.

  • Routine Check-Ups: Monitor fit and function, and make necessary adjustments.

  • Proper Storage: Store in a protective case when not in use.

Nance appliance :

Nance Appliance is a fixed orthodontic device used to stabilize the molars and prevent them from drifting, particularly useful for maintaining space after premature loss of primary molars.

Key Points:

  • Fixed Design: Cemented to the upper molars for consistent support.

  • Nance Button: Acrylic pad against the roof of the mouth to maintain molar position.

  • Adjustable Components: Some versions include adjustable parts for fine-tuning.

  • Durable Materials: Made from stainless steel and acrylic for durability.


  • Space Maintenance: Preserves molar position and prevents drifting, crucial for proper alignment.

  • Stable Support: Provides consistent support to stabilize the dental arch.

  • Prevents Molar Drift: Maintains space when primary molars are lost prematurely.

  • Comfortable Fit: Designed to fit securely with minimal discomfort.


  • Ideal for maintaining upper molar position when premature loss or shifting is a concern.

  • Suitable for space maintenance following loss or extraction of primary molars.

  • Recommended for orthodontic treatment plans to ensure proper alignment.


  • Not suitable for severe palatal abnormalities or complex cases without prior assessment.

  • Requires patient compliance and regular follow-ups for effectiveness and comfort.


  • Custom-fit using impressions or digital scans of dental arches.

  • Fixed with cement to the molars, with the Nance button positioned against the palate.

  • Regular adjustments and monitoring are necessary.

Care and Maintenance:

  • Routine dental check-ups to assess fit and function, and make adjustments.

  • Maintain oral hygiene and clean the appliance regularly to prevent plaque buildup.


MSS Special Retainer is an advanced orthodontic appliance designed to maintain tooth positions after orthodontic treatment, catering to specific retention needs.

Key Points:

  • Customizable Design: Tailored to fit the patient’s dental arch and unique retention needs.

  • Durable Materials: Made from high-quality acrylic and stainless steel or wire for long-lasting strength.

  • Specialized Construction: Includes features for additional support or specific tooth coverage.

  • Comfortable Fit: Designed for daily wear with minimal disruption to normal oral functions.


  • Effective Retention: Prevents teeth from shifting back, ensuring stability.

  • Custom Fit: Improves effectiveness and comfort with a precise fit.

  • Durable and Reliable: Built for long-term performance.

  • Specialized Support: Offers tailored support based on individual needs.


  • Post-Orthodontic Use: Maintains alignment and prevents relapse after treatment.

  • Specialized Retention: Suitable for complex orthodontic cases needing specific support.

  • Comprehensive Care: Part of a broader post-orthodontic care plan.


  • Severe Dental Issues: Not suitable for patients with major dental problems without prior assessment.

  • Ongoing Monitoring: Requires regular check-ups and adjustments for effectiveness.


  • Detailed Impressions/Scans: Used for creating a custom fit.

  • Design and Construction: Tailored to individual needs.

  • Follow-Up: Regular appointments to assess and adjust performance.

Care and Maintenance:

  • Routine Check-Ups: To monitor fit and function.

  • Oral Hygiene: Maintain the health of surrounding tissues and the retainer.

  • Regular Cleaning: Prevent plaque buildup and ensure effectiveness.

Transverse appliance :

The Transverse Appliance is an orthodontic device designed to widen the upper dental arch, correct crossbites, and support proper alignment by applying controlled, gradual forces to expand the upper jaw. It can be used with or without coves, depending on the specific treatment requirements.


  • Fixed Design: Cemented to the upper molars for stable arch expansion.

  • Expansion Mechanism: Equipped with a central screw or similar device for gradual widening of the arch.

  • Durable Materials: Made from high-quality stainless steel and acrylic for strength and durability.

  • Custom Fit: Tailored to the individual patient's dental arch for effective treatment.


  • Arch Expansion: Widens the upper dental arch to correct crossbites, improve occlusion, and create space for alignment.

  • Improved Function and Aesthetics: Enhances bite relationships and facial aesthetics by correcting arch width.

  • Gradual Adjustment: Allows for controlled and gradual widening, minimizing discomfort.

  • Stable Support: Provides reliable support for maintaining the corrected arch width during treatment.


  • Crossbites: Ideal for correcting crossbites resulting from a narrow upper jaw.

  • Space Creation: Suitable for expanding the upper arch to alleviate crowding or create space for orthodontic treatment.

  • Age Range: Effective for both children and adults, often used in children to leverage natural bone growth.


  • Severe Abnormalities: Not recommended for patients with severe palatal abnormalities or complex orthodontic issues without thorough evaluation.

  • Monitoring: Requires regular follow-ups to prevent over-expansion and manage any complications.


  • Custom Fit: Created using detailed impressions or digital scans of the patient’s dental arches.

  • Cementation: Fixed to the upper molars with adjustments made according to the treatment plan.

  • Follow-Up: Regular appointments are necessary to assess progress and make adjustments.

Care and Maintenance:

  • Dental Check-Ups: Routine visits to monitor fit and function, and make necessary adjustments.

  • Oral Hygiene: Maintain the health of surrounding tissues and the appliance.

  • Cleaning: Regular cleaning to prevent plaque buildup and ensure the appliance’s long-term success.

Spring retainer : 

Spring Retainer is an orthodontic appliance designed for efficient tooth movement and retention, utilizing a spring mechanism to apply gentle, continuous pressure on specific teeth.

Key Points:

  • Spring Mechanism: Applies controlled, gentle force for tooth movement or retention.

  • Customizable Fit: Tailored to the patient's dental arch for precise force application.

  • Durable Construction: Made from stainless steel and acrylic for long-lasting durability.

  • Removable Design: Allows for easy removal for cleaning and oral hygiene.

  • Adjustable Components: Includes springs that can be adjusted to fine-tune force.


  • Efficient Tooth Movement: Provides controlled adjustments and corrections.

  • Comfortable Wear: Custom-fit design minimizes irritation.

  • Versatile Application: Useful for minor adjustments, space maintenance, and retention.

  • Ease of Maintenance: Removable for easy cleaning and oral care.


  • Ideal for minor orthodontic adjustments, such as closing gaps or correcting misalignments.

  • Suitable for space maintenance after tooth loss or extraction.

  • Recommended for patients needing a removable appliance for ongoing adjustments or retention.


  • Not suitable for severe orthodontic issues requiring complex treatments or fixed appliances.

  • Requires patient compliance to achieve the desired results.


  • Custom-fit using impressions or digital scans of dental arches.

  • Spring mechanism calibrated for the specific orthodontic need.

  • Regular adjustments may be needed for effectiveness and comfort.

Care and Maintenance:

  • Regular cleaning with a soft brush and mild soap.

  • Routine dental check-ups to monitor fit and function, and make adjustments.

  • Store in a protective case when not in use to prevent damage.

Hyrax appliance :

The Hyrax Appliance is an orthodontic device used for expanding the upper jaw (maxillary expansion) to correct crossbites, increase arch width, and create space for proper alignment of teeth. It's beneficial for both children and adults, particularly during growth periods.


  • Fixed Design: Cemented to upper molars for stable expansion.

  • Expansion Screw: Central screw adjusted periodically to gradually widen the upper arch.

  • Durable Construction: Made from stainless steel and acrylic for durability.

  • Customizable: Tailored to fit individual dental arches and needs.


  • Arch Expansion: Corrects crossbites, improves occlusion, and creates space for alignment.

  • Improves Function and Aesthetics: Enhances bite relationships and facial aesthetics.

  • Effective for Various Ages: Ideal for growing children but also useful for adults.

  • Gradual Adjustment: Minimizes discomfort with gradual widening.


  • Crossbite Correction: For narrow upper jaw causing crossbites.

  • Arch Expansion: To accommodate crowded teeth or create space.

  • Growing Patients: Takes advantage of natural bone growth; also effective in adults.


  • Severe Palatal Abnormalities: Not suitable without prior assessment.

  • Monitoring: Requires careful oversight to prevent complications from over-expansion.


  • Custom Fit: Created from impressions or digital scans of dental arches.

  • Cementation: Fixed to upper molars and adjusted per treatment plan.

  • Follow-Up: Regular appointments to monitor progress and adjust as needed.

Care and Maintenance:

  • Routine Check-Ups: To monitor effectiveness and make adjustments.

  • Oral Hygiene: Maintain surrounding tissue health and appliance cleanliness.

  • Regular Cleaning: Prevent plaque buildup for long-term success.

Space Maintainer :

A Space Maintainer is an orthodontic device used to preserve the space left by a lost or extracted primary tooth, ensuring that adjacent teeth do not drift into this gap. This appliance is crucial for maintaining proper alignment and spacing for the eruption of permanent teeth.


  • Fixed Design: Cemented to adjacent teeth for stable support.

  • Durable Materials: Made from stainless steel and acrylic for longevity.

  • Customizable Fit: Tailored to fit individual dental arches.

  • Varied Types: Includes band-and-loop, distal shoe, and lingual arch designs.


  • Space Preservation: Prevents adjacent teeth from drifting, maintaining alignment and occlusion.

  • Supports Proper Eruption: Ensures adequate space for permanent teeth to erupt correctly.

  • Reduces Treatment Complexity: Avoids more complex treatments later by maintaining space during growth.

  • Durable and Reliable: Long-lasting support from durable materials.


  • Premature Tooth Loss: Ideal for when a primary tooth is lost early due to decay or extraction.

  • Space Maintenance: Essential for proper alignment and eruption of permanent teeth.

  • Use in Children and Adolescents: Ensures proper development and alignment during growth.


  • Severe Dental Issues: Not suitable without prior assessment for complex orthodontic needs.

  • Regular Monitoring Required: Needs ongoing adjustment and fit checks.


  • Custom Fit: Created from impressions or digital scans of dental arches.

  • Cementation: Fixed by a dental professional for secure and effective space maintenance.

  • Follow-Up: Regular appointments to monitor performance and make adjustments.

Care and Maintenance:

  • Routine Check-Ups: To assess fit and function, and adjust as needed.

  • Oral Hygiene: Maintain health of surrounding tissues and appliance.

  • Regular Cleaning: Prevent plaque buildup for long-term success.

Fixed Quad Helix :

The Fixed Quad Helix is an orthodontic appliance used to expand the upper dental arch and address alignment issues such as crossbites and crowding. It applies controlled, gradual forces to achieve effective expansion and improve overall dental occlusion and aesthetics.


  • Fixed Design: Cemented to the upper molars for stable and consistent expansion.

  • Quad Helix Mechanism: Utilizes spiral springs to apply gradual pressure for effective arch expansion.

  • Durable Construction: Made from high-quality stainless steel and acrylic for strength and longevity.

  • Customizable Fit: Tailored to fit the individual patient’s dental arch for precise treatment.


  • Arch Expansion: Widens the upper dental arch to correct crossbites, alleviate crowding, and create space for alignment.

  • Improves Bite and Aesthetics: Enhances occlusion and facial aesthetics by addressing arch width and alignment issues.

  • Controlled Expansion: Allows for gradual and controlled widening, minimizing discomfort.

  • Stable Support: Provides reliable support throughout the expansion process.


  • Crossbites and Crowding: Ideal for correcting crossbites and addressing crowding issues.

  • Alignment Issues: Suitable for creating space and improving dental alignment.

  • Ages: Effective for both children and adults, commonly used in children to leverage natural growth.


  • Severe Abnormalities: Not suitable for patients with severe palatal abnormalities or complex orthodontic issues without prior assessment.

  • Monitoring Needed: Requires regular follow-up to avoid over-expansion and other complications.


  • Custom Fit: Created from detailed impressions or digital scans of the patient’s dental arches.

  • Cementation: Fixed to the upper molars, with the quad helix mechanism adjusted according to the treatment plan.

  • Follow-Up: Regular appointments are required to monitor progress and make adjustments.

Care and Maintenance:

  • Dental Check-Ups: Routine visits to assess fit, effectiveness, and make necessary adjustments.

  • Oral Hygiene: Maintain health of surrounding tissues and the appliance.

  • Regular Cleaning: Prevent plaque buildup and ensure long-term success.

Tronspalatal Arch :

The Transpalatal Arch is an orthodontic appliance used to maintain or correct the width of the upper dental arch by stabilizing the molars and preventing their drifting.

Key Points:

  • Fixed Design: Cemented to the upper molars for stable support.

  • Durable Construction: Made from high-quality stainless steel.

  • Customizable: Adjusted to fit individual dental arches and needs.

  • Minimal Aesthetics Impact: Designed to be discreet.


  • Arch Width Maintenance: Crucial for proper occlusion and alignment.

  • Molar Stability: Prevents shifting of the molars.

  • Effective for Various Treatments: Useful for arch expansion or spacing management.

  • Durable and Reliable: Provides long-lasting support.


  • Maintaining Upper Arch Width: During or after orthodontic treatment.

  • Molar Stability: Essential for cases requiring molar alignment.

  • Arch Expansion or Space Maintenance: Suitable for these purposes.


  • Severe Palatal Abnormalities: Not ideal for complex cases without prior assessment.

  • Requires Monitoring: Needs regular follow-ups for effectiveness and comfort.


  • Custom-Fit: Created via impressions or digital scans.

  • Cemented by a Professional: Secured to the molars.

  • Regular Follow-Ups: Necessary for adjustments.

Care and Maintenance:

  • Routine Check-Ups: To monitor fit and function.

  • Proper Oral Hygiene: To maintain tissue health.

  • Regular Cleaning: To prevent plaque buildup.

Hass expander :

The Hass Expander is an orthodontic device designed to widen the upper dental arch and correct crossbites by gradually expanding the maxillary arch. It helps create additional space and improve alignment by applying gentle, consistent pressure.


  • Fixed Design: Cemented to the upper molars for stable expansion.

  • Expansion Screw: Adjustable central screw for gradual widening of the arch.

  • Acrylic Palatal Plate: Covers the palate for support and stabilization.

  • Durable Construction: Made from high-quality stainless steel and acrylic.

  • Customizable Fit: Tailored to individual dental arches for optimal effectiveness.


  • Arch Expansion: Corrects crossbites, alleviates crowding, and creates space for better alignment.

  • Improves Bite and Aesthetics: Enhances occlusion and facial aesthetics by addressing arch width issues.

  • Gradual Adjustment: Controlled widening with minimal discomfort.

  • Stable Support: Reliable support throughout the expansion process.


  • Crossbites and Crowding: Ideal for correcting crossbites and creating space for orthodontic treatment.

  • Dental Alignment: Suitable for improving overall dental alignment.

  • Ages: Effective for both children and adults, commonly used in children to utilize natural growth.


  • Severe Abnormalities: Not suitable for patients with severe palatal abnormalities or complex needs without prior assessment.

  • Monitoring Needed: Requires regular follow-up to prevent over-expansion or other complications.


  • Custom Fit: Created from detailed impressions or digital scans of the patient’s dental arches.

  • Cementation: Fixed to the upper molars, with screw adjustments according to the treatment plan.

  • Follow-Up: Regular appointments for monitoring and adjustments.

Care and Maintenance:

  • Dental Check-Ups: Routine visits to assess fit and function, and make adjustments.

  • Oral Hygiene: Maintain health of surrounding tissues and the appliance.

  • Regular Cleaning: Prevent plaque buildup and ensure long-term success.

Hawley Appliances :

  • Hawley Appliances are traditional orthodontic tools used to correct and align teeth and to maintain the results of orthodontic treatments. These removable devices offer a customizable, durable solution with adjustable features for comfort and effectiveness.


  • Customizable Design: Tailored to fit individual dental arches and specific orthodontic needs

  • Durable Materials: Constructed from high-quality acrylic and stainless steel for long-lasting use

  • Adjustable Components: Includes springs and clasps that can be adjusted to accommodate changes in tooth alignment

  • Removable: Easy to take out for cleaning, eating, and maintaining oral hygiene

  • Personalization: Available in various colors and designs to match patient preferences

  • Good Retention: Ensures the appliance stays securely in place

  • Both Adams or Ball Clasps: Provides options for different clasp styles to suit patient needs


  • Effective Alignment: Corrects minor orthodontic issues like spacing and alignment, and helps maintain corrected positions

  • Comfortable Fit: Custom-made for a secure and irritation-free fit

  • Convenience: Removable for easier oral hygiene and flexibility in eating

  • Versatility: Useful throughout orthodontic treatment and as a retainer post-braces


  • Minor Alignment Issues: Ideal for correcting small orthodontic problems and maintaining results

  • Post-Orthodontic Retainer: Suitable for patients needing to retain their orthodontic results

  • Specific Orthodontic Problems: Useful for space closure and bite adjustments


  • Severe Orthodontic Issues: Not suitable for complex cases requiring fixed appliances

  • Patient Compliance Required: Effectiveness depends on consistent use as directed


  • Detailed Impressions/Scans: Used to create a custom-fit appliance

  • Fabrication: Precise adjustments are made based on individual orthodontic needs

Care and Maintenance:

  • Regular Cleaning: With a soft brush and mild soap to prevent plaque buildup

  • Routine Check-Ups: For monitoring fit and function, with adjustments as needed

  • Proper Storage: In a protective case to prevent damage and contamination

Thumb and Tongue :

Thumb and Tongue Appliances are orthodontic devices designed to manage thumb sucking and tongue thrusting habits in children, which can lead to dental misalignment and other issues. These appliances are designed to be very effective to correct the habits issues, ensuring proper oral development and alignment.

Key Points:

  • Customized Design: Tailored to manage specific habits effectively.

  • Comfortable Fit: Designed to discourage thumb sucking or tongue thrusting while being comfortable.

  • Durable Materials: Made from high-quality acrylic and stainless steel.

  • Non-Removable: Fixed in place to ensure continuous use.


  • Habit Correction: Aids in breaking thumb sucking or tongue thrusting habits.

  • Supports Oral Development: Encourages proper tongue posture and oral function.

  • Prevents Misalignment: Reduces the risk of issues like malocclusion.

  • Discreet: Less noticeable, which helps with patient compliance.


  • Persistent Habits: Ideal for children with thumb sucking or tongue thrusting habits affecting dental alignment.

  • Failed Behavioral Interventions: Suitable when other methods have not been effective.

  • Comprehensive Plan: Part of a complete orthodontic treatment plan for healthy development.


  • Severe Oral Health Issues: Not suitable for patients with significant oral health problems without prior assessment.

  • Patient Cooperation: Requires the patient’s cooperation for effective habit correction.


  • Custom-Fit: Created using impressions or digital scans.

  • Fixed by Professional: Secured by a dental professional for effectiveness.

  • Regular Follow-Ups: Necessary for monitoring and adjustments.

Care and Maintenance:

  • Routine Check-Ups: To assess effectiveness and make adjustments.

  • Oral Hygiene: Maintain health of surrounding tissues and appliance.

  • Regular Cleaning: To prevent plaque buildup.





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Suite 200, Weston, FL 33326

PHONE : 877 - 877 - 1080



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